About Us

SpreadKindness.org is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging individuals and groups to practice kindness in their everyday life. Our mission is to inspire, enlighten, and spread joy through the sincere kindness of our hearts and actions.
It all starts with you. You have the power to impact someone right now in a positive, kind way. Share a smile. Be kind. Pass it on.
We were formed by a happy family of five who are passionate about the power of kindness. We really enjoy getting involved in fun, thoughtful activities. You’ll see us participating in local SpreadKindness.org events, and helping others in the community and around the world.
Our greatest hope is that you will join us in spreading kindness to others.
Movers & Shakers
Make-it-Happen Captain
(COO and Co-Founder)
Mark’s background is in technology marketing. He holds a bachelor's degree in Marketing from the University of Kentucky, an MBA from the University of Arizona, and a trophy for first place in his ninth grade science fair. Mark joined forces with Maria back in 2001 when he was smart enough to ask her to marry him..
Mark is the proud owner of a hole-in-one, and has both literally and figuratively juggled flaming torches. In between doing what he does best (making the world a better place, and making things happen), he finds time to listen to music, play with the dog, do yoga, and root for the San Francisco Giants.
He has also perfected the art of staring blankly when Maria asks to spend the organization's money.

Visionary Missionary Chick and Dreamer
(CEO and Co-Founder)
At SpreadKindness.org, Maria does anything and everything that needs to get done. Maria is the empirical proof that anything is possible. Maria is unafraid of change and is on too many social network sites.
Maria has an extended resume that includes dancing in front of Mother Theresa back in elementary school, waitressing at bars and clubs, network technician, software quality control manager, Systems Analyst, holistic healing practitioner, and certified hypnotherapist (whew!).
Maria can be found watching chick flicks and reading books about spirituality and positive thinking (though not usually at the same time). When nervous or anxious, Maria can be calmed with some ooey gooey chocolate goodies.

SpreadKindness.org is supported by a growing group of kind individuals who are helping us with the cause.
Board of Directors
Maria Haswell
Mark Haswell
David Kapanka
Michael Olliges
Paul Reeves
Advisory Board
(aka"The Dream Team")
Sara Cadalig
Maria Camargo
Jeremy Damec
Celeste Kochis
Carol Padovan
Juan Antonio Vega